"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people, in a way that little else does."
Nelson Mandela
No costs - no barriers
Sport has not only the power to change the world, it is also deeply rooted in our society. With its unique scope, global interdependence and special position all around the globe, the modern sports industry can be a true force in the fight against the challenges of the 21st century and should be at the forefront towards climate change.
GSBS encourages professional sports organisations to more transparency and sustainable behaviour. It makes them aware of their impact through their actions and helps them to use their prominent position in our society to fulfil their responsibilities as modern business organisations – at no costs for these organisations.

The GSBS Rating is the only internationally accepted and respected ESG/sustainability rating in the sports industry, which is used by numerous sponsors, investors, and financial institutions as an additional tool for decision-making and risk mitigation.
It takes more than 1,700 data point into account and provides a holistic picture of the organisations' effective sustainability performance - purely data-based.
Our vision

Our vision is to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone and to protect the needs of future generations, by leveraging the power of sports.
Challenges of the 21st century
The challenges of the 21st century are equally affecting society as a whole and individual organisations. Increasing public awareness around the globe calls for action and responsible behavior of companies and governments, thus there is tremendous demand for more transparency, disclosure and accountability. We are convinced that sustainability will be the new license to operate.
Climate change
Air, water and land pollution
Child labour and modern slavery
Gender inequality
Water scarcity
Inequality in wealth creation
Bribery and corruption
Natural hazards
Loss of biodiversity
Health & safety